Our world is constantly evolving, and MCC is committed to being a positive driver of change. MCC has long recognized the importance of engaging with other faith communities as a fundamental part of its mission. Therefore, we continuously host and participate in interfaith events, meetings, and webinars to educate our friends, partners, officials, and activists about Islam.

These inter-religious initiatives have helped break down barriers of misunderstanding, formed genuine partnerships of faith and ethics, and established a platform to advocate for social justice issues for the common good.
We aim to work together to fight Islamophobia and share knowledge about the true teachings and understanding of our religion in all sectors.
The gift of education has a ripple effect—it creates change locally, nationally, and globally.
Ignorance is our enemy.

MCC is committed to serving the interfaith community.

“O men! Behold, We have created you all out of a male and a female, and have made you into nations and tribes, so that you might come to know one another. Verily, the noblest of you in the sight of God is the one who is most deeply conscious of Him. Behold, God is all-knowing, all-aware.” – The Holy Qur’an 49:13

The MCC routinely opens its doors to community members. Many visitors join us for Friday services. They come seeking to learn about and appreciate Islamic beliefs and Muslim cultures. We welcome all theists and non-religious theists (humanists and spiritual independents).

MCC regularly hosts open houses. About 100 East Bay neighbors have attended previous open houses. A congregation-led panel called “Your Muslim Neighbor Next Door” spoke at each open house (watch these panels at staging.mcceastbay.org/interfaith).

We’re American, and We’re Muslim

Our work in interfaith cooperation and community outreach is representative of a strong trend among American Muslims to help clear up misconceptions about Islam.

We speak about Islam at community gatherings; sponsor community picnics and film festivals, lectures, and exhibits about Islam at area libraries and schools; host an interfaith iftar; partner with the San Ramon Valley Islamic Center in monthly Adopt-a-Highway clean-ups; and work closely with leaders in churches and synagogues via Interfaith Interconnect of the Tri-Valley and Eden Area Interfaith Council.

We are also active civically. We engage with our local politicians and host candidate forums. We also host quarterly blood drives and serve as a county voting site.

An extension of our community work is prison outreach. MCC provides Islamic literature to Muslim chaplains in two area jails and one prison; we are also honored to sponsor two Eid banquets for inmates.

Our outreach work is focused on finding common ground with practitioners of other faiths while conveying the truths about our faith with utmost clarity. The hope is to spark discussion between thinkers that fosters mutual understanding and acceptance while forging new friendships and alliances.

Over the years, the Muslim Community Center – East Bay has cemented its relations with prominent interfaith organizations. We diligently promote dialogue with individuals with diverse belief practices, which makes us more active in developing positive relationships with our neighbors and community. We have continuously supported many churches, synagogues, and temples throughout the Tri-Valley area.

Notably, the MCC is a member of interfaith associations, including Tri-Valley Interfaith Interconnect and the Eden Area Interfaith Council.

Our main goal is to be a resource of Islamic information for people of other faiths interested in learning more about Islam.

Please get in touch with us at info@staging.mcceastbay.org if:

  • You are curious to know what Muslims believe in. It will be our pleasure to share information about the beliefs of the Muslims.
  • You have got questions about Islam and Muslims. We will be glad to answer your questions.
  • You are interested in visiting the MCC East Bay. It would be our honor and pleasure to host you.
  • You want to get a free copy of the English translation of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam.
  • You want your opinion to be heard. We will be more than happy to have civic dialogue.
  • You want to build an interfaith relationship with our Center. It will be our honor to build everlasting relationships with your community.

Why we do  this

Our world is constantly evolving, and MCC is committed to being a positive driver of change. MCC has long recognized the importance of engaging with other faith communities as a fundamental part of its mission. Therefore, we continuously host and participate in interfaith events, meetings, and webinars to educate our friends, partners, officials, and activists about Islam. These interreligious initiatives have helped break down barriers of misunderstanding, formed genuine partnerships of faith and ethics, and established a platform to advocate for social justice issues for the common good. We aim to work together to fight Islamophobia and share knowledge about the true teachings and understanding of our religion in all sectors. The gift of education has a ripple effect—it creates change locally, nationally, and globally. Ignorance is our enemy, and we can make a difference with your support. Join us.

We’re American and We’re Muslim

The MCC’s community outreach and interfaith cooperation is representative of a strong trend by American Muslims to give back to our communities and to help clear up misconceptions about Islam. This is how we serve our community:

Quarterly Blood Drives

As people of faith, it is in our blood to roll up our sleeve and give. We know we’re someone’s type. Since 2016, our congregation members roll up their sleeves and donate life during our Friday Jumu’ah service. We are nearing our 20th and our congregation has pumped several gallons of blood into our national blood supply. Donate

Monthly Highway Cleanups

The Tri-Valley’s three mosques in Pleasanton, San Ramon and Livermore join on a Saturday morning each month and clean our adopted stretch of Interstate 680. We do this good for our community along the Prophet Muhammad’s advice to pick up trash from the road. It is a point of personal pride for the 15,000+ Muslims to drive by our sponsored part of I-680 and see a clean road. Volunteer

Monthly Food Distribution

The MCC partners with Axis Community Health, an MCC neighbor that serves low-income and uninsured residents in the Tri-Valley, to provide free food to Axis clients. MCC congregation members help our food insecure household access this fresh and health food during this monthly distribution (leftover food is often shared with MCC’s in-house food pantry). Volunteer

Voting Site

The MCC serves as an Alameda County voting site. During midterm and general elections, we host four precincts in our Fellowship Hall and up to 500 voters visit the community center to cast their ballot or drop off a ballot. Each election cycle, we also engage with our local politicians and host candidate forums in partnership with CAIR San Francisco.

Friday Service Visits

The MCC routinely opens its doors to community members. Many visitors join us for Friday services. They come seeking to learn about and appreciate Islamic beliefs and Muslim cultures.

Open Houses

Requests for learning opportunities spiked after the 2016 Election and in the months following the Election, the MCC hosted seven open houses that were each attended by about 100 East Bay neighbors. A congregation-led panel called “Your Muslim Neighbor Next Door” has spoken at Churches, libraries, schools, businesses, and civic and community center (watch these panels at staging.mcceastbay.org/interfaith).

Red Cross Disaster Site

If an emergency has forced our neighbors to evacuate their home, we are here for them. We serve as a Red Cross and FEMA shelter. During a disaster or community emergency, our congregation is proud to provide a safe space to sleep and access case workers to help our neighbors with disaster recovery.

English Learning Classes

The MCC hosts year-round free multi-level English learning courses in partnership with the Pleasanton Unified School District’s Adult and Career Education Initiative program. Learn more

Interfaith Interconnect

MCC leadership attend and interact with leaders from other faith-based organizations via the Tri-Valley Interfaith Interconnect. Our interfaith work is focused on finding common ground with practitioners of other faiths while conveying the truths about our own faith with utmost clarity. The hope is to spark discussion between thinkers that fosters mutual understanding and acceptance while forging new friendships and alliances.

Special Needs Mosque

When the MCC staff and volunteers work daily to help community members find faith through community, we mean ALL community members! In 2017, the MCC became the first certified masjid on the West Coast. Through MUHSEN certifying body, we are now the Golden State’s only gold-certified mosque. That means our facility is special needs friendly, a staff member is dedicated to make special needs families are accommodated and we host support groups and classes to cater to all. Learn more

Green Mosque

The MCC is a green facility. That means we aim each day to eliminate waste headed to our area landfills by use only compostable dinnerware and utensils for the more than 10,000 meals served annually at our community center. We also host educational workshops, sermons, and talks, to nurture the relationship between Islam and environment in our congregation. Learn more