The term ruqyah refers to using the Qur’an and its supplications as a method of healing and protection. It can treat a broad spectrum of problems, including physical, mental, and spiritual issues. The foundations of ruqya consist of reciting the Qur’an and/or its supplications with the premise of seeking assistance from Allah (swt) while simultaneously seeking refuge in Him.
Due to his limited bandwidth, MCC’s Qari Amar Bellaha no longer provides Rukya services. Please utilize our Ask the Imam service.
Please contact Moulana Azeez Ahmad at the Academic of Islamic Education in Dundee, Illinois, at (630) 965-9635 or the Fitrah Centre for virtual assistance.
Here are also some videos to help you:
- Sihr, Jinn, and Ruqya: Learning about Black Magic and How to protect yourself | Sh. Yaser Birjas
- Black Magic: Causes & Cures | Shaykh Atabek Shukurov
- Is Black Magic Real? | Shaykh Atabek Shukurov
- The Reality of Sihr (Black Magic) – What, Why, and How to Protect | Dr. Sh. Yasir Qadhi
- Problematic Hadith: Evil Eye, Magic & Jinn | Dr. Shabir Ally
- Wird Al Latif (morning) with English translation (subtitles) (play morning and evening)
- Ayat of Tranquility (Sakinah) | Omar Hisham Al Arabi
- Remove Sihr, Magic, Jinn | Omar Hisham Al Arabi
- Al-Ruqyah Workshop | Sh. Ammar Shahin
- Possessed, Jinn, Sihr, and Ruqyah | Sheikh Ammar Shahin
- Jinn Possession: Shocking True Stories from a Consultant Psychiatrist
- Exposing Fake Healers vs. Real Quran Ruqyah | TheDeenShow #653
- How Magicians Cast Spells
- Truth about the Evil Eye: Seeking Protection Against al-‘Ayn | Yasir Qadhi
- Does “Evil Eye” Really Exist? | Dunia Shuaib
- Tips To Spot A Black Magician Who Calls Himself A Quranic Healer – Animated
- Tucker Carlson Describing THE JINN to Joe Rogan | JINN EXPERT CONFIRMS
- Unmasking The SIHR DOERS | The Black Magicians Revealed
Here are some online resources:
- Al Ruqyah: Protective and Healing Supplications from the Quran and Sunnah (AlHuda Sisters)
- The Morning Adhkar (includes Rukya)
- Ruqyah – Protective & Healing Supplications from Qur’an and Sunnah (Masjid Al-Huda)
- Al-Wird al-Latif (Sanad Collective Publications)
- Self-Ruqya Treatment (The Believer’s Provision)
- Verses of the Quran to Recite in the Morning & Evening
- Sword Against Black Magic & Evil Magicians
- Strengthening Iman by Ruqya (Dr. Shadee Elmasry)
- Al-Wirdul ‘Aam The General Litany (Shaykh Faisal Hamid Abdur-Razak)
- The Ruqya Services | Quranic Healing
Ruqyah services are not currently offered via MCC East Bay.
Please contact Shaykh Abu Imran Muhammad in Denver, Colorado, at (720) 447-5290.
For self-rukyah, recite three times a day in a water bottle:
- Surah Al Fatiah (7 times)
- Ayat Qursi (3 times)
- Sural Ikhlas (3 times)
- Surah Falaq (3 times)
- Surah Al Nass (3 times)
Then, drink water, wash your face, and wipe your head with water. Detail instructions at