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In 1984, Jenny White was traveling with friends in China when she heard East Turkestan had just opened to foreign visitors. She immediately took a two-day bus ride to Xinjiang and spent three unforgettable weeks there – taking rare photographs of this beautiful, bustling and isolated region of Uyghur Muslims in China.

Nearly 40 years later and with the tragic cultural erasure in Xinjiang, Ms. White takes us on a cultural homecoming with her photos that are now a testament to a bygone time for China’s Uighur people.

5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. | Sunday, Sept. 12 | MCC Conference Room (no RSVP needed) or watch online at https://staging.mcceastbay.org/live

Bay Area Uyghur Muslims will be on hand to provide context to these photos. Special Uighur dessert (take-home boxes) for guests after event. Facility tours after event.

Free. Everyone welcome! For those attending in person, masks required during duration while inside the MCC facility.

MCC Congregation: Limited space. Note: this event is for neighbors and community members. A congregation member may attend if they bring a friend, neighbor, coworker (if a family would like to attend, they should bring the same number of guests from other faiths please).

Jenny White was born and raised in Oklahoma. After university and graduate school, she spent years traveling through the Middle East, Asia, and Europe. In 1984, Jenny was traveling through China with friends when she heard that East Turkestan had opened up for foreign visitors. Jenny immediately decided to go, and took a solo two-day bus ride – she thinks from Lanzhou. Jenny then spent about three weeks in East Turkestan and had a wonderful, unforgettable time there. Jenny is a retired health policy researcher at the University of California, San Francisco.

Questions? events@staging.mcceastbay.org

Who Are the Uyghurs?
Uyghurs (alternatively spelled Uighurs, Uygurs, etc.) are ethnically and culturally a Turkic people living in the areas of Central Asia commonly known as East Turkistan. The area is vast, constituting one-sixth of the total land area under the control of the People’s Republic of China. The Uyghurs have a rich cultural history going back almost 4,000 years. Before embracing Islam in tenth century, Uyghurs believed in Buddhism, Manichaeism and Nestorian Christianity. Today, Uyghurs practice a moderate form of Sufi Islam and lead predominantly secular lives.

Uyghurs (Uighurs) are Turkic-speaking Muslim people with a population of more than twenty million in East Turkistan, (officially known as Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region of China), which was invaded by China in 1949. Since 2016, the Chinese Government has forced many Uyghurs to renounce their ethnic identity, religion, and culture and imprisoned over one million Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims.