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RSVP for a prayer spot at the outdoor MCC Jumu’ah on Friday, April 2:

Hafiz Sami Rehman leads the first Friday prayer service, Mohammed Abdul Baseer leads the second sermon and Hafiz Zaid Khanani leads the third service. Registration is limited to 100 outdoor Jumu’ah spots opens at 5 p.m. each Thursday.

Questions? events@staging.mcceastbay.org

Alameda County is in the red tier, which means widespread and rapid COVID-19 cases are still happening.

We remain cautiously outdoors for the five daily prayers and three outdoor Jumu’ah services (weather permitting). Learn more at https://staging.mcceastbay.org/reopening

We limit the number of worshipers at each service. Please give a chance to another brother & sister to attend if you’ve been fortunate to attend these popular outdoor Friday prayers in recent weeks.

You may forfeit your prayer spot if you do not arrive in the MCC parking lot when the sermon begins promptly at 1:30 p.m./2:30 p.m./3:40 p.m. each Friday.