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For our Jumu’ah services on Friday, June 24, masks are mandatory to attend any MCC service and no RSVP is necessary:

Please attend 2:30 prayer to avoid heavier first-service congestion whenever possible. Masks are mandatory while inside the MCC facility.

Jumu’ah parking for three services is in the MCC parking lot and the neighboring HP lot. The aerial map at https://staging.mcceastbay.org/hp

For parents attending with young children indoors, MCC offers private mothers’ and fathers’ rooms with an audio and visual connection to Prayer Hall. Parents can watch the sermon and pray while in the company of other parents with young children. The mothers/fathers prayer room is just past the Banquet Hall doors into the school area.

Questions? events@staging.mcceastbay.org

Mufti Abdul Wahab Waheed was born and raised in Ann Arbor, MI. He began Islamic studies at Jaamiah al-Uloom al-Islamiyyah in Canada where he became a Hafiz at the age of 11. Upon the completion of his Tahfeedhul Ul Quran, Mufti Abdul Wahab decided to continue his studies in Islamic sciences. He started his 7-year Shariah program in Toronto, Canada, and went even further to pursue higher education in Hadith in Karachi, Pakistan. Mufti Abdul Wahab completed his Hadith Intensive in the renowned Islamic University founded by Sheikh Yusuf Binori RA known as Jamia Binoritown, where he had the fortune of studying under teachers who had received their Ijaazat from Al- Azhar, Madina University, and Ummul Qura. Upon graduation, Mufti Abdul Wahab wanted to pursue his passion for understanding and education in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence and Law.

He started his studies at Al Ihsan Institute in Vancouver, B.C., specializing in Islamic Jurisprudence and Iftā’ under his professors while simultaneously teaching Fiqh and Hadith in the same school. During this time period, he was also serving as a Khateeb and lecturer in the province of British Colombia.  He also traveled extensively across North America for Dawah purposes. Throughout his travels, Mufti Abdul Wahab addresses communities across the United States on a wide range of Islamic topics. Inshallah continues to do so with the Tawfiq of Allah SWT. Mufti Abdul Wahab is a Co-founder at Miftaah Institute and also is a Co-Founder and Director at Michigan Islamic Institute.

The Alameda County Health Department reports COVID-19 cases are still happening.

We are cautiously indoors for the five daily prayers and for two Jumu’ah services. All the Jumu’ah prayers are indoors in the MCC prayer hall and overflow (social distancing) in Conference Room and Banquet Hall. Learn more at https://staging.mcceastbay.org/prayer