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For our Jumu’ah services on Friday, September 9, masks are recommended to attend any MCC service and no RSVP is necessary:

Please attend 2:30 prayer or 3:40 p.m. to avoid heavier first-service congestion whenever possible. Masks are optional.

Jumu’ah parking for three services is in the MCC parking lot and the neighboring HP lot. The aerial map at https://staging.mcceastbay.org/hp

For parents attending with young children indoors, MCC offers private mothers’ and fathers’ rooms with an audio and visual connection to Prayer Hall. Parents can watch the sermon and pray while in the company of other parents with young children. The mothers/fathers prayer room is just past the Banquet Hall doors into the school area.

Imam Bilal ibn Yusuf graduated from the seven-year ʿālimiyyah program at DarusSalam Seminary in Lombard, Illinois. He also holds degrees in psychology and political science. He is the Imam of the Islamic Center of Walnut Creek (Darul-Islam Mosque). He is currently pursuing post-graduate studies in Islamic Law & Islamic Theology.

Questions? events@staging.mcceastbay.org

The Alameda County Health Department reports COVID-19 cases are still happening.

We are cautiously indoors for the five daily prayers and for three Jumu’ah services. All the Jumu’ah prayers are indoors in the MCC prayer hall. Learn more at https://staging.mcceastbay.org/prayer

Ustadh Ashir Kirk is the founder and Executive Director of Measured Tones Institute of Quran. Born to a Muslim convert mother, he started studying Quran at the age of 10. At 16, he dropped out of high school to pursue his Quranic studies in Damascus for 4 years and 2 years in Morocco, before moving back to the States to continue studying. He received ‘ijaazah in both Hafs Shatibiyyah and Tayyibatun Nashr.

Ustadh Ashir received the Muhammad Ali scholarship to Bayan Theological Seminary in Chicago to pursue his Masters of Divinity with a concentration in Islamic Chaplaincy. When he’s not focused on MTI, he divides his time between running two businesses, working with nonprofits, and his local masjid in Memphis, TN.