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When masjids do not welcome attendees, community members find other places to go.

In recent national mosque surveys, mosque attendees have complained about lack of community, being dissatisfied with mosque programming, a lack of unity, and a lack of belongingness. What can we do about this?

Join this discussion-based event with two community servants who have been thinking a lot recently about what the Prophetic mosque looks like in 2022 in the U.S.

We will focus on barriers mosques face today trying to be more dynamic and responsive to the challenges of youth and the undeserved, characteristics of the Prophetic mosque that some Churches are pulling off better than some masjids, and specific, tangible recommendations to foster a welcoming, inclusive environment.

6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. | Friday, January 21* | MCC Conference Room | Join in-person (mask req’d) or watch online at staging.mcceastbay.org/live

*Updated date

Sheikha Amina Darwish “Imamina” started as the Associate Dean for Religious and Spiritual Life and Advisor for Muslim Life in February 2021. She previously served as the first full time Muslim Life Coordinator at Columbia University. Dr. Darwish has a decade of professional experience working with Muslim community. She also brings years of experience building and serving in nonprofit organizations. Dr. Darwish brings a unique blend of understanding the different cultures within the Muslim community while staying grounded in traditional Islamic scholarship.

Ustadha Aminah earned a Ph.D. in Chemical engineering before switching careers to follow her true passion for community building. She remains passionate about including ethics, meaning, and service into STEM disciplines. Dr. Darwish strives to always create a culture or openness and consistent kindness into the communities she serves. She earned ijazas, traditional Islamic studies certifications, from the Qalam and Critical Loyalty seminaries including an ijaza in the ten Qira’at. Dr. Darwish has studied individually under different scholars from different parts of the world and has taught college level coursework on Islam and Muslims.

Munir Safi cut his teeth as a breaking news print reporter for several years before finding a second career in nonprofit management. He has been serving the MCC East Bay community since 2016.

Questions? events@staging.mcceastbay.org