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Join Disability Advocate Joohi Tahir to learn about how American Muslims can meet both the spiritual and personal needs of Muslims living with disabilities in our community.

Sr. Joohi is cofounder of the national organization of the Muslims Understanding & Helping Special Education Needs (MUHSEN). She will talk about disability and Islam, the stigma of disability in the American Muslim community and give the perspective of a special-needs parent and caregiver on how to design masjids and Islamic communities of Ihsan.

7 p.m. to 8 p.m. | Tuesday, Oct. 26 | MCC Conference Room

Sponsored by Muslims Understanding & Helping Special Education Needs (Muhsen), Muslim Community Association and MCC East Bay

MCC is a proud to be a certified special-needs friendly masjid. See how we support our special needs families. Learn more about how we are privileged to accommodate our special needs community: https://staging.mcceastbay.org/accommodating-disabilities

Questions? events@staging.mcceastbay.org

Muhsen is a non-profit umbrella organization serving the community to establish a more inclusive “Special Friendly” environment for people of all Disabilities. Muhsen will advocate, educate, train and implement programs and services nationwide, specifically to improve access for those with Disabilities in a faith based setting serving these Special Needs individuals as well as creating acceptance and inclusion by the community in all aspects. The organization was founded by Joohi Tahir and Dr. Omar Suleiman. Learn more at muhsen.org

About the Speaker
Joohi Tahir is Executive Director of a revolutionary nonprofit organization founded by Shaykh Omar Suleiman called MUHSEN (Muslims Understanding and Helping Special Education Needs). With her own family and daughter being affected by disability, she started with small community initiatives, talks, and support groups, leading up to speaking to our Scholars about the need for our communities to be more aware and be made more accessible for our loved ones with Disabilities. Muhsen’s goal is to provide a “Special Friendly” environment and build “Masjids of Ihsan” which will be welcoming environments for all. Whether physical, neurological or cognitive disability, we are collectively responsible for caring for these individuals. As a leader of this organization, Joohi advocates and markets the needs for which MUHSEN builds programs and services across N. America. With these efforts, MUHSEN strives to eventually re-mosque so many families who have become un-mosqued through Awareness, Accommodation and Acceptance for all, now serving a very underserved new market and being their voice. Joohi lives outside Chicago, IL with a very supportive husband and is the busy mother of three daughters.