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If you are healthy and ages 18 to 44, please register to have a kit mailed to your home at Jumu’ah tomorrow to save a life of someone suffering from blood cancer.

The shortage of diverse donors is costing lives of many American Muslims.

The numbers are shocking: 60% of Asian Americans do not have a perfectly matched donor in the worldwide registry.

The reason matches are so difficult to find for these patients is simple: their genetic heritage is underrepresented in the registry, which means people sharing a similar lineage or ethnicity have not joined the registry in sufficient numbers.

The cure is inside of us to save the lives of countless community members who are fighting leukemia and and searching for stem cell transplant donors.

If you cannot attend during Jumu’ah, please request a free kit be mailed to your home at: https://join.bethematch.org/MCC

Matching on the registry generally depends on a patient’s ethnicity. Caucasians make 61 percent of 12.5 million people of the national registry. That compares to South Asians/Asians who only make 6 percent of the database. Because of this big gap, patients in the community from Asia and other ethnic patients struggle to find a match.

Every four minutes someone someone is diagnosed with a blood cancer. There are over 14,000 patients in need of a bone marrow or stem-cell donor. To match with a donor, ethnicity plays a crucial role. By registering today, you could be the one to save a life!

1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. | Friday, July 2 | MCC Foyer

The cure is inside you. For more information, please visit here.

Questions? events@staging.mcceastbay.org