As people of faith, it is in our blood to roll up our sleeves and give. We know we’re someone’s type.

Since 2016, our congregation members have rolled up their sleeves every four months and donated life during our Friday Jumu’ah service. We have saved 300 lives to date.

We are nearing our 30th drive, and our congregation has pumped several gallons of blood into our national blood supply.

For our next blood drive, visit

Every person who donates blood at MCC will receive a voucher for a meal at iniBurger – Gourmet Burgers in Pleasanton. An MCC congregation member generously donates these vouchers to encourage participation.

MCC Youth: If you are 16 to 18, here are the donor requirements and parental authorization form link.

On the morning of the blood drive, please complete the Rapid Pass online and bring the print-off with you to speed up the check-in process.