MCC East Bay provides vital support to assist every new Muslim in his or her new spiritual journey.

From the moment you contact us, we provide what you need to learn about the faith. Once you take your Shahadah (Declaration of Faith) at MCC, we are there with a new Muslim gift box to get you going.

We pair you with a mentor from the congregation if you wish (form here). We then invite you to our monthly book club meetings.

Whether you took your Shahadah (Declaration of Faith) two days ago or two decades ago, join us. Our New Muslims monthly book-club gathering builds community and support with others new to the faith.

We also have a weekly sisters’ virtual-only Seerah book, where we read about Prophet Muhammad (see here to join our next meeting).

We can also pair you with a mentor in our congregation for one-on-one support over coffee or lunch:

  • Appointment for Shahada
    Please complete this form to schedule your Shahadah or if you recently reverted and need more information.
  • New Muslims in the Bay Area
    Please complete this form to request mentorship.
  • MCC Congregation Members
    If you wish to volunteer to be a mentor in our New Muslim Convert Care program, please complete this form.

Please head to the bottom of this page to see some Mentorship tips (How to find a mentor)

We also encourage you to sign up for the MCC Events newsletter here and the Ta’leef Collective Events newsletters here. Online you can find many free classes, helpful Q&A, and a plethora of resources on the SeekersHub platform here, and; for our sisters, please check out the Ribaat platform featuring courses taught by women for women here.

Watch recordings of past “After Shahadah” group talks here and past Shahadas at the MCC (Profession of Faith) here.

If you are a new Muslim in the San Francisco Bay Area, please join the list to receive new Muslim updates by sending a message to MCC’s New Convert Care Coordinator, Sister Lizette Duran, at

The MCC would also like to welcome you with a few gifts to get you started. Contact us to arrange pick up. Your gift box includes the following:

For reverts residing in the South Bay, please get in touch with the MCA Bay Area.

Other resources:

What should you look for in a mentor?

  • Someone of the same gender. Female converts should have a woman as a mentor, and males should have a man. The reasons for this are twofold:
    1. Relationships between men and women are always navigated carefully in Islam so that respect, propriety, and modesty are their defining characteristics. A mentor/mentee dynamic between the sexes can easily veer off in an inappropriate direction.
    2. Islamic rules, rights, and obligations are particular to each gender. Many Muslims are unaware of the rulings that apply specifically to the opposite sex, cannot relate to their situation, and therefore cannot answer many important questions.
  • Someone patient and eager to help. In my experience, these qualities are even more important than knowledge of Islam. A person can be scholarly but not an effective guide, and vice versa. It is easy to look up information online, so having a mentor is to form a beneficial bond of sisterhood or brotherhood with that person. The ideal adviser will be someone who enjoys teaching new Muslims and combines knowledge with a kind and gentle approach.
  • Someone who understands and respects the convert’s experience. Some people might think the only qualified mentor is a person born into a Muslim family who has practiced Islam all their life. However, this is not necessarily the case. Converts can make excellent mentors, especially since they fully understand the drastic life changes involved in the conversion and the potential challenges involved. Individuals’ adherence to Islam, understanding of its core message, and positive attitude matter much more than their total years of living as Muslims.
  • Someone with excellent character. The ideal mentor will be a walking example of Islam. Even though no one is infallible and none of us practices Islam perfectly, sincere Muslims will be identifiable by their honesty, kindness, patience, and humility. True believers do their best to uphold Islam’s requirements, such as the five daily prayers: modesty in dress and behavior, trustworthiness, integrity, and moderation. Good mentors, while fallible, will be engaged in a constant quest for self-improvement for the sake of Allah. If you see a Muslim constantly gossiping, backbiting, expressing racist or bigoted views, purposely ignoring basic Islamic guidelines, or acting dishonestly, they are not ready to mentor.
  • Someone who has no ulterior motive. A good mentor will desire nothing more than converts’ peace and success in their Islamic journey. He or she will be a patient and understanding advocate who provides spiritual support and practical advice. A mentor should be a friend and guide, not a potential spouse or prospective in-law who is grooming a new convert for a possible marriage.