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Event Series Event Series: Kids Ramadan Challenge

In an effort to make Ramadan at home a special one for your child this year, MCC has prepared a good deeds chart for your child ages 5 to 12. MCC will award prizes at month’s end.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Print a chart every Friday and post it a noticeable place in your home, like on the refrigerator. Here is the chart for ages 5 to 7 and here is the chart for ages 8 to 12.
  2. Write your name, your child’s name, your phone number, and date in the space provided.
  3. Keep the chart in a visible place, like on the fridge.
  4. Encourage your child to do as many of the good deeds as possible each day.
  5. Keep track of your child’s work by checking the appropriate box.
  6. Email a copy of the chart back every Friday or Saturday to Program Coordinator Sr. Abeer Alkhawaja at ramadan@staging.mcceastbay.org
  7. Every good deed is worth one point, except for reciting Qur’an; it is worth two points.
  8. The maximum number of points you can earn is 70 per week.
  9. MCC will keep track of the points for every participant. 
  10. MCC will keep track of the points for every participant. By the end of Ramadan the names of the top three winners will be announced along with grand prizes.



Questions? ramadan@staging.mcceastbay.org